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19 to Zero adopts a multimodal and interdisciplinary research approach to guide interventions aimed at improving people’s health behaviours.

19 to Zero actively conducts multi-methods studies to understand Canadians' attitudes and behaviours toward their health. Our goal is to promote healthier behaviours whether it be redesigning models of care or helping close care gaps (i.e. cancer screening). We want to bring our research and insights to help design and develop tailored strategies and solutions for encouraging healthier behaviours. 
Research & Insights


Since March 2020, we have engaged Canadians to hear their perspectives about public health and health topics.

To understand Canadians' perspectives, attitudes, and awareness of vaccines, we engage directly with individuals through nation-wide surveys and community-based focused groups. This work allows us to understand sentiments towards a variety of public health topics such as:

  • Brand preferences

  • Public health measures

  • Access

  • Vaccination site preferences (e.g. pharmacies)

  • Government approval

  • Trust and concerns

We also explore the nuance of how demographic, geographic, and psychographic factors can impact Canadians' views towards topics related to various healthcare challenges.

Through our primary research, we also test each of our interventions with communities and the general public to ensure they are effective, accessible, and culturally relevant.​

Survey Insights
Resarch and Insights
Survey Insights

Some examples of surveys we have been analyzing. If you are interested in learning more about our findings or conducting research, please contact us at


Understanding the impacts of the pandemic on routine immunizations.  Post-pandemic coverage rates continue to be well below recommended targets and millions of Canadians have missed or have had delayed routine immunizations during the pandemic.  


Fall 2021 National Polling Results


Ontario parents with children between the ages of 10 - 18 were surveyed to gain a deeper understanding of parent’s knowledge and perceptions regarding school-based vaccines. The survey examined awareness, attitudes, and concerns around human papillomavirus (HPV), meningococcal, and hepatitis B vaccines.

ON Parents School-Based Vaccine Survey Results


Parents with a child under the age of 18 and over the age of six months were surveyed to determine the anticipated uptake of pediatric vaccinations across Canada. The survey examines pediatric vaccine hesitancy and attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccines for children.

Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccination Survey Results

Understanding Canadian awareness and attitudes towards the co-administration of COVID-19 and routine vaccines.  Respondents were asked about who they preferred to administer the vaccines (pharmacists, physicians, or nurse practitioners) and how many vaccines they would be willing to have co-administered. Healthcare workers (focused on pharmacists and physicians) were also asked about their awareness of, attitudes towards, and opportunities they see around co-administering vaccines.

Co-Administration of Vaccination Survey Results


19 to Zero recently conducted a survey (May/June 2022) regarding shingles awareness and vaccination sentiment. Respondents aged 50 and over from Alberta and British Columbia were asked a number of questions related to their knowledge of and opinions of shingles vaccination.

Shingles Vaccine Survey Results

Behaviour Change Research
Behaviour Change Research

Our research is focused on understanding people's behaviours and attitudes towards their health. 19 to Zero has engaged with thousands of Canadians through surveys, interviews, and focus groups since December 2020. These research activities inform our ongoing strategies for promoting healthier behaviours. For example, during the pandemic we created 'concern archetypes', or general demographic trends that correlate with patterns of pandemic-related attitudes and behaviours based on survey data from 2,000 Canadians. This allowed for an evidence-based approach to target segments of the population that demonstrated low concern or low prosocial behaviours with regards to the pandemic. 


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